
Céliance offers you all our services related to the domiciliation of your company in Luxembourg.

In addition to the domiciliation of companies, Céliance proposes you all its usual services, such as the management of your business accounting, and tax, legal or social issues. 

4, Rue d’Arlon L-8399 WINDHOF

Which companies can be domiciled at CELIANCE ?

All companies that are not commercial in nature, as well as so-called “dormant” companies.

When is a domiciliation with a service provider prohibited ?

Any company with a real economic activity of a commercial nature, i.e. pursuing a commercial activity (sale of goods or services to third party clients), a craft industry or a liberal profession must request an establishment permit (to be qualified in the case of liberal professions), must have its own premises. That company must make sure that there is nothing to prevent it from having its registered office on these premises, and that these premises are coherent with the activity envisaged

What are the services linked to a domiciliation ?

According to the legal definition, a simple domiciliation (i.e. without associated services) is forbidden.

To this end, Céliance offers you a certain number of services:

  • Accounting services
  • Tax services (completion of tax formalities)
  • Transfer by e-mail of the mail received daily, and all administrative services related to the mail received (return of originals by post, drafting and sending of reply letters directly from the address of the head office, etc.)
  • Maintenance of the social part (establishment of salary slips, social declarations, etc.)

Our skills and expertise in the field of litigation and dispute resolution allow us to intervene in varied environments and many different sectors.

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